Jen x
I'm just a Labrador puppy
My coat is shiny and black,
I'm only eight months old
And I'm rather a mischievious chap.
I live with Matt and Jenny,
In Scotland by the Loch,
Surrounded by woodland walks
I'm such a lucky dog.
I had some friends to stay,
They came from way down south,
Two glamorous blondes,
They made me drool at the mouth.
Tia is so much a lady
She just oozes elegance and grace,
But if I make any advances
She soon puts me in my place.
Lily is something else
I fancy her so much,
I follow her everywhere
But eventually have to give up.
They call her Lily the tart,
We romp and play all day,
I think she's stolen my heart
And soon she's going away.
She takes me into the woods
And shows me the ways of the wild,
I'd do all I could
For my Lily to stay a while.
She's such a competent swimmer,
I want to swim like that,
Retrieve sticks from the water
And take them to Jenny and Matt.
Today we went to Loch Lundie
Lily was magnificent,
I so much wanted to join her
But was too frightened to make the attempt..
I wanted to show her how brave I was
And launched myself off the side
I found myself swimming like Lily
But she took it all in her stride.
I think I'm in love with Lily,
She'll be going home quite soon,
I wish I had all my bits in tact
I'd show her a thing or two.