MWIS, the god of weather and his trusty sidekick Metcheck, told us (Rich and I) that the weather should be OK today until about 2ish so we tried to grab a quick scramble.
We set off bright and early from the bottom of Glen Shiel heading toward A' Chioch and following the north ridge to the summit of Aonach Air Chrith. We'd been going all of 5 minutes before the drizzle (or Mizzle as
Crafty Helen would say) started, before we got to the bealach between the two tops we had to don full waterproofs.

The scrambling was really nice (apart from cold hands) with only one tricky bit where the narrow arete was wet and slippy, will definitely be back again to try it in the dry.
We reached the summit and walked along to the next Munro, Maol Chinn-Dearg, from here a descent path heads back down to the A87, we figured we couldn't get much wetter so decided we'd continue along the rest of the ridge and bag the other three Munros. It was basically just grey cloud all the way, it cleared a few times for the odd moment, at least the rain was coming from behind us. I think I managed to keep Rich's spirits up by singing "it's getting wetter, get-ting wet-ter every day" (from a recent TV advert I think) for at least half the walk.

Anyway, beats
hostel chores.