I don’t know, matt and jenny are off having a baby, and I’m left here in charge of the wildest dog in the west… Yes I’m the hostel sitter, dog, cat and chicken sitter for however long it may be. As I write this I’m just shy of 24 hours in charge. It’s all going well tho, my hostel guests are all lovely and looking after themselves. The hostel is nice and roomy and I’ve seen all the rooms bar one, explored all the nooks and crannies myself, and as an occasional hosteller I think it must rank as one of the best in Scotland. Its got lots of space to relax and a lovely friendly atmosphere. My guests at the moment are all here for some hills, I’m looking forward to asking them where they’ve been today!
Dylan the monster dog is who I’m really here to look after, and he has been very well behaved all things considered. My list of things he’s chewed so far is much smaller than I expected it would be…. He’s been tormenting me by going for the hall rug whenever he’s bored. Unfortunately he seems to devour doggie chews in a matter of seconds, so I am saving the last one for an emergency…. Worst offence so far is that somehow he chewed through his lead. I’m not sure how I’m going to explain their dog on a string to matt and jenny when they get back….but really he’s been very good, and at the moment would you believe is sound asleep… I daren’t move….
This morning all the hostellers have been asking about the baby- not yet I’ve said… When walking the dog a fellow Invergarry bowler saw me and asked too. Nope, not yet…. Hopefully, we all -and more importantly Matt and jenny!-, won’t have too much longer to wait!
(The best
caketopper in the land)