Finally the long ago ordered chickens have arrived. It's very egg-citing. I don't think the travelling was too stressful for them and they didn't seem too shell shocked. They certainly seem to be enjoying their new home, almost so much they didn't want to come out. We have christened them Mary, Lorna, Lara and Anna after Jen's friends.

When they did finally venture out they wasted no time in showing our curious cat who was boss. I think we'll try and keep them away from the boisterous Dylan for the time being, not sure they are quite ready for him yet.
We had a couple of escapees during the evening yesterday but nothing major, I don't think we clipped Mary's wings as well as the rest but we will sort that out today.
Dylan was pretty keen to start collecting eggs, it didn't help that Jenny kept egging him on.

Anyway, it's breakfast time for the chucks, I took all the slugs off the cabbages last night and kept them in a jar ready for them this morning, unless Jen's mistaken it for jam, she can be a bit slow to wake up in the mornings....
PS. Sorry for the fowl puns! It's not a yolking matter.
I bet those eggs will be "tree"mendously "duck"licious.
eggs-cellent joke ben, like poultry-in-motion.
Are you "poulet" my leg?
Ooh I'm having CLUCKing good time reading about your chickens. It makes me want to (chicken) chow mein own arm off.
Did you "poach" that joke Ben? it sure is a "poultry" effort!
You'd better not let dylan get too close to the chickens, or you might end up with pooched eggs.
Oh yeah! I win with that one.
Good one ben, that really did make me CHUCKle. If you have any more, feel free to curry on.
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