I soon began to think I'm made a bit of a mistake, it seemed like a hell of a slog up the hill and we soon got caught in a shower. Dylan was having a great time, within 5 minutes of setting off he'd found a deer leg which he refused to give up. We eventually made it to the broad ridge that runs north from a small undistinguished top called Carn Ban up to the rocky top of Clach Criche and things were looking up - the route looked like it was getting a bit more interesting and it also looked like we'd done pretty good with the weather. The shower had passed, rain was blowing down from Cluanie and down Glen Loyne but it seemed to dissipate before it reached us.

We followed the chain of lochans along the ridge and then struck up the final slopes to the corbett. The wind had picked up and almost blew us up the last bit. Luckily, the top has a massive cairn that we could shelter behind and have a spot of lunch. Its maybe not the most interesting hill but has great long distance views towards Glen Shiel, Gleouraich and Spidean Mialach and across Loch Garry to Ben Tee.

It was at this time that I discovered Dylan had a liking for Jelly Babies, I think him and Jen must have spent some time curled up on the sofa sharing a few packets of them whilst I've been working. Still, it means I have a way of disposing of the horrible pink ones.

We headed of to investigate the wind turbines that dominate the view to the east. I know a lot of people are against them but there is something about them that is a bit hypnotic, especially up close.
We continued south east down to a small loch, I'd received some insider knowledge about the quantity of fish in this loch and was keen to investigate. My first fishing trip a few weeks ago was fairly successful and I was keen to see if my beginners luck was still with me.
It was! I caught 5 trout despite Dylan's help, every time I cast he wanted to go and fetch it back unless I distracted him by throwing a stick in the other direction. As well as the fish, I also managed to hook my finger twice and my jacket once. Good fun though.

It soon started hailing so took that as my cue to leave and headed down to Invergarry, and the sun came out as we ambled* through Glen Garry forest back home.
* I had sore feet by this point so it may have been more of a plod than an amble
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