We decided on Sgurr a' Mhaoraich down by Loch Quoich, I've done it before so decided we'd make it slightly longer by heading in to Glen Loyne and climbing it with Am Bathaich. The weather forecast wasn't great but the tops where clear as we headed down after lunch (we had Ben helping out with hostel duties in the morning).
We parked up and it started raining. Then it stopped. Then it started again. Then it..well, you get the picture.

About two minutes after this photo it started raining quite heavily and didn't stop until we where nearly back at the car - a freak localised squall that followed us around for two hours! The winds on the final summit were vicious so we didn't hang around and after a small navigational issue (we couldn't see anything) where soon safely back down to the glen.
Not one of the best days on the hill, character building at best but I don't think it's put Ben off too much, maybe next time we'll try something a little harder.....
Doesnt he look handsome in those pictures, especially the stream crossing.
You could have photoshopped some hair on.
That would have been a great photo, if only I'd have jumped...
And what's all this on flickr about me needing to "man up" - I get enough of that on wednesday nights at the community centre.
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