Wednesday, 30 December 2009

A Seasonal Ski Tour Adventure

My brother Mark and his family have come up for Hogmanay and we managed to get permission from the wives for a morning out as long as we were back by lunch time to look after the kids. My brother thinks he's some sort of ski touring demon so after an alpine start (7.30 am) we headed down to Fersit to tackle the two Munros to the south east which Mark reckoned wouldn't take too long.

I think he only does all this ski touring and ice climbing business so he can look cool in car parks, I got a example of this this morning as we met half a dozen walkers which he impressed before they set off up the neighbouring hills.

After some basic hints and tips from big brother and him trying to tell me you have to shout "lock and load" (he doesn't get out much) we were off.

We made steady progress up to about 750 metres by which time gale force winds and thick fog and dangerous hoar frost conditions and the impending wrath of two wives and three kids we decided to head back down to civilisation and a lovingly prepared lunch - is anyone else still eating turkey?

Mark deciding he has absolutely no idea where we are.

Good fun, shame the weather wasn't better and the "pass out" for a few more hours, maybe I'll start taking the dog for ski tours instead of walks.

Happy new year.


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