Sunday, 7 March 2010

Great Snow at Nevis Range (Helen's First Jump)

Headed up to the Nevis Range for some snowboarding but they had ran out of hire equipment so ended up on my skis again - at least I didn't end up spending most of the afternoon on my bum like I would have with a snowboard. We had a great afternoon on the slopes - as you can see from the photo crafty Helen is getting to grips with her board and was having a go at some jumps - after I'd showed her how not to do it of course.

Ben also took a few minutes to show us some advanced crash management techniques. Anyway, they still have great conditions up there so can thoroughly recommend a trip up there.


Edit 08/03/10

Helen wanted me to show the real unphotoshopped picture of her first jump....

1 comment:

Helen said...

hey! I thought you were going to photoshop that and make me look better!! More air!!! Less panic!!! lol