Friday, 27 June 2008

Another Munro for Matt

The forecast was dry but cloudy, lifting from midday. Me and my friend Mark changed what we had planned and headed for Gairich, it's only 3015 ft and we hoped the summit would clear by the time we got there.

The path starts off boggy (I sunk to my thigh at one point) and then follows a broad ridge which eventually steepens and weaves it way through craggy outcrops to the summit. You get great views of Glen Kingie on the way up, but not many views from the top as the last 50 metres or so where in cloud. Here's Mark (and Jack the mountain dog) on the top...

Anyway, a good really hill that felt like a proper Scottish mountain, definitely one to recommend. The only problem now is that I've had a couple of good days out this week whilst Jen's was a wash out, it looks like I owe her a few days off next week!


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