The forecast wasn't great and I was having trouble deciding what to do with my time off. The sun was out but I wasn't sure how long it would last so I decided I'd head up to Creag Lundie Slabs and have a quick look at the climbing - see if it was worth a visit with Jen and some ropes. The crag is only about 25 mins away, just at the east end of Glen Shiel, and only about 30 mins from the car. We had some guys in the hostel at the weekend trying to break the record for the number of Munros in 24 hours (28), something must have rubbed off on me because I decided I wouldn't take much with me and then I could run back down.

The crag looks really good, maybe not much in the way of protection, but I'm planning on not mentioning that to Jen and I can get her to do the leading when we head up together. I'd already managed to scare myself silly by soloing some of the easier stuff in my running shoes so kept well clear of the main slab, just a flick through the guidebook and a few appreciative nods would do me today.

I headed up to the top of the hill to try and find a nice way to run down. I decided I may as well head up to the nearest Munro, Carn Ghlusaid, and then follow the path down from there, after all, I'd already done half the height. It was a bit of a slog up the steep grassy bank to the summit plateau but worth it, I think it must have been something I said that scared off the herd of 30 or so deer resting at the cairn.
I sat on the top enjoying a light lunch (a mars bar - I was travelling light after all), enjoying the view and considering what to do next - the next munro along the ridge versus the nice path down. After an internal struggle I decided my excuses weren't good enough ("I should get back to do my half of the work" and "This water bladder is dirty, maybe I shouldn't drink from it") I got up and headed along the broad ridge and the stoney slope of Sgurr nan Conbhairean. The wind was picking up by now and I had to don my windproof jacket before I got to the summit (thanks for the hand-me-down mum!). I could see the next Munro along the ridge and it didn't look too far but decided it wasn't going anywhere and would wait until next time. I had a quick look over the edge to try and figure out where the winter climbing was (still no idea) and then headed back down. The path down was nice for most of the way with only one small detour to take in another summit before I got down to the bottom and followed an old roman road back to the start. Best of all, I was back at the van before it started raining.
You know those big crack things on the slab. If you fill em with trinkets - hey presto - lots of pro!
Very good mark, most of the cracks are pretty flared so wouldn't take many "trinkets". Anyway, I'm sure jen will be fine.
OK, have a think aout where you are going to take me climbing but more importantly when you ant us to come up. I'm in font for a week from 20 Sept and of to India some time early Oct so it would be useful to get some provisional dates. When do things start to get quieter.
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